Jeremy Timperio

10344 Lady Candice Lane · Charlotte, NC 28270 · (704) 806 2501 ·

I am a highly motivated senior at North Carolina State University who graduates in May 2019. I am looking for a full time position in the software industry.

Job Experience


Raliegh, NC

Role: Software Engineer Intern

  • Responsible for implementing SQL Audit Security for Touchworks Product
  • Participated in Agile Development cycle
  • Automated error analysis for development servers
  • Developed Powershell script to manipulate nested directories
  • Designed and implemented POC for federation databases
May 2018 - August 2018


NBA Stats Website

Raliegh, NC

Role: Co-Creator/Software Engineer

Worked with a friend to create and develop the frontend and backend of a NBA Stats website. The website scrapes the web for statistics API calls and created our own SQL database from them. Created a usable interface for viewers to access specific statistics. The website is currently down but if you want to see the code check out the GitHub Repository.

Technologies: SQL, Angular 2, Java, Python, CSS, HTML, Hibernate, REST API

November 2017 - Present

Error Log Analysis


Role: Software Engineer Intern

Ran SQL queries on development servers to find trends in errors.

Technologies: SQL, Microsoft Excel

July 2018 - August 2018

Federation Database Model POC


Role: Software Engineer Intern

Implemented a POC webapp that demostrated how federating database tasks could create a more scalable EHR. The code is currently private if you're intrested more about this please message me

Technologies: SQL, .Net, C#

May 2018 - July 2018

TouchWorks SQL Audit


Role: Software Engineer Intern

Designed and Implemented the SQL Auditing functionality in Allscripts Touchworks system. Use agile to develop and test the new feature. The code can be found in the upcoming version 18.1 of Touchworks EHR

Technologies: SQL

May 2018 - July 2018

Galagadon: Shark Galaga

North Carolina State University

Role: Game Programmer/Graphic Design

Collaborated with a group to develop a mobile android game based on Galaga. Met with sponsor to understand requirements and brainstorm. Created animated sprites and in-game assests. GitHub Repository

Technologies: GameMaker Studios

January 2018 - May 2018

iTrust 2

North Carolina State University

Role: Software Engineer

Worked on team to develop enhancements for the iTrust 2 electronic healthcare system. Used agile development process to develop enhancements in iterations. Designed and developed office visit, diagnosis, and prescription functionality. Please contact me if you would like to see any of the code for this project.

Technologies: SQL, AngularJS, HTML, REST API, Java, Hibernate, Cucumber

September 2017 - November 2017

Walker Boys, Inc

Role: Student Developer

Took classes and developed multiple Unity Game Engine games and tools.

  • Development Tools - designed and implemented unity tools (e.g. Sprite Sheet Component, Prefab Creator)
  • Space Shooter - designed and implemented assets of a 2D Space Shooter
  • Click and Destroy – implemented simple point and click game

Technologies: Unity Game Engine, C#, Javascript

May 2017 - August 2017


North Carolina State University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science - Game Development Track

GPA: 3.351/4.0

August 2015 - Present

Charlotte Christian School

Highschool Diploma

GPA: 3.9/4.0

August 2011 - May 2015


Programming Languages
Software Tools & Technologies
Operating Systems
Development Experience
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • Website (Frontend & Backend)
  • Game Development (Unity & UE)


Apart from being an aspiring software developer, these are some of the activities in apart of...


Role: Manager/Game Developer

Self-owned account for developing computer games. I created computer games that have accumulated more than 300,000+ hits. Throughout my game development, I managed community and fans with frequent blog posts and patches for games. Check out my old projects at

July 2010 - April 2016

Oak Island Parks & Rec

Oak Island, NC

Role: Camp Counselor/Summer Intern

Create and organize activities for campers to partake in. Traveled to many places like Wilmington and Myrtle Beach for camp activities.

May 2017 - August 2017

Melee at NCSU

North Carolina State University

Role: Treasurer

Help organize and host weekly club events and large video game tournaments. For more check out the official Melee at NCSU Club Page.

August 2015 - Present

Community Service

North Carolina

Role: Volunteer

Served over 200+ hours at churches, homeless shelters, beach renourishment, summer camps, and other organizations.

Contact Me




© 2018 Jeremy Timperio, Template from Start Bootcamp, Other helpful links: Bootstrap, Devicons